Dam Flask Relays a week today

It’s the Dam Flask Relays on 24 June 2014 (a Tuesday evening) and it will be well attended by a lot of other running clubs in the area. It is held at the same venue as tonight’s Low Bradfield 5 mile race, but in the relay each runner completes just one lap of the reservoir (approx 3.6 miles). The route is generally flat on one side with a long hill and swift descent the other.

Teams made up of either 3 ladies or 4 men. Steel City Striders will pay for all teams being entered. Club vests are mandatory.

We would like to get as many teams running as possible and it is open to all abilities. We aim to have one or two fast teams to compete and then mixed ability teams to compete within Steel City Striders.

How to enter
Please email Tony Horstead – ahorstead@gmail.com – with your name a recent 5k, 5 mile or 10k time (your time from tonight’s race would be ideal if you ran).

Before you enter
First runner leaves at 7:15pm but please get there for 6:00pm onwards so we can make sure the teams are full and can get you all entered before the cut-off at 6:45pm (it’s entry on the night only). PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN MAKE IT BEFORE ENTERING – if one person from a team doesn’t turn up, the team cannot compete. (I had to run 2 legs last year, and I’m not a fast runner!)

Please see the proposed teams below.
(There will indeed be a Senior Male / Vet40 smack down as requested!)

Male Senior Team
Louis Wood MSEN M 05:58
James Fulcher MSEN M 05:36
Ben Jones MSEN M 05:48
Steve Fraser MSEN M 05:54

Female Senior Team
Hannah Helmore FSEN F 06:10
Kate Wilkinson FSEN F 06:32
Jennifer Rich FSEN F 06:44

Male Vet 40 Team
Andrew Davies MV40 M 05:56
Alastair Lawson MV40 M 05:58
David Palmer MV40 M 05:26
Stephen Atkinson MV40 M 06:13

Male Senior Team
James Rose MSEN M 06:01
Andy Buck MV50 M 06:15
Steve Helmore MSEN M 06:09
Dan Palmer MSEN M 06:17

Female Senior Team
Sian Evans FSEN F 07:00
Emily Hunt FSEN F 07:14
Nicola Ross FSEN F 07:24

Female V35 Team
Magdalena Boo FV35 F 08:21
Philipa Penman FV45 F Slow
Victoria Hawkins FV45 F Slow

Mixed Teams
Craig Shaw MSEN M 06:12
John Kilcoyne MSEN M 06:17
Richard Hayes MSEN M 06:21
Kevin Sibley MV40 M 06:27
Colin Hardy MSEN M 06:27
Matt Chappell MSEN M 06:27
David Perkins MSEN M 06:29
Ross Drayton MSEN M 06:34
Richard Sayers MSEN M 06:37
Nick French Portus MSEN M 06:47
Anthony Horstead MSEN M 07:17
Andy Green MV40 M 07:17
John Walker MV50 M 08:00
Roger Watson MV40 M 08:15
Laura Glasel FSEN F 08:43
Michael Slater MV40 M 06:15
John Rawlinson MV40 M 06:42
Paul Stuart MV40 M 06:50
Stuart Jones MV50 M 07:30
Rowena Sharma FSEN F ??:??

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