Maybe it was a case of the Monday blues, a slightly more grey day, or a combination of both that saw less miles logged for day 3. In total 78.1 miles were covered across 11 logged activities with my my pick of the day being Birthday Boy Richard Pegg on his scenic tour of Sheffield covering 6.2 miles.
Taking advantage of this active recovery day to enjoy some French history, the virtual Stride for Sheffield tour took in the historic town of Vichy, famed for being the seat of government for unsurprisingly named Vichy France, but also perhaps not so well known as being a spa retreat since the days of the Roman empire. A perfect place then, for soaking some tired legs.
After this spot of recuperation the convoy headed to Clermont-Ferrand for it’s overnight stop, a town perhaps best known for being the HQ of Michelin. Hopefully this will encourage some of our cyclists to get out there and lay some rubber over the coming days.