Longhorn Races 2024 Report and Results

Report by: Karen Clark

Race Date: 28th April 2024

SBR events have offered opportunities to participate in a range of running distances from 5k – 60k for the last 9 years, in Thoresby Park. Canicross races and Nordic walking races were also on offer.

The final event was held on 28th April, this year.

Decisions, decisions, 30K or a more leisurely 20k. I opted to enter the ½ marathon distance again. Tough choice as it starts at 11:55. In previous years, it had always turned out to be a baking hot day and the temperatures didn’t make for comfortable running. This year couldn’t have been more of a contrast. It was torrential rain. Runners were desperately trying to shelter under marquees before the race got underway.

The ½ marathon was 2 laps, starting out on grass before running on tarmac for a short distance. The loop included a mixture of trail paths, woodland, lots of mud and some sand.

At the briefing, runners were warned that there was knee deep water on parts of the course, due to the amount of rainfall. There was an option to retire after one lap. I am too stubborn to take this option. I’d come to run the ½ marathon. This was the last chance and I was going to complete it.

It was hard to believe that we would be wading through knee high water, when we were standing on boggy grass in the start area. The rain was relentless. Shoes were already full of rain water.

These races were relaxed events, attracting runners from a wider geographical area, with so many race possibilities, including a late ½ marathon and late 10K and 5K starts. Runners chatted and supported each other around the course.

Soon enough, I reached the water-logged section that we had been warned about. The water was knee deep, with many tripping hazards. I navigated my way through and managed to stay upright.

Fortunately, other parts of the loop were more runnable. Towards the end of lap one, I had the joy of running close to the longhorn cattle, (fence between us). This made the event pleasurable, as they haven’t been visible every year.

I continued through the ½ way point and then off for lap 2, to continue with a soaking, more mud and wading through more knee depth water. I found runners to buddy up with, which made the course more enjoyable.

I completed the course in 2 hours 11 minutes and 34 seconds. The longest time I had ever taken to complete a ½ marathon.

At the end, runners received a brilliant medal and a bright colourful t-shirt.

As well as Karen, Striders Dawn Jackson took part in the 10km event, and Dean Harding plus dog took part in the canicross 10km.  All did an excellent job in challenging conditions!

Event Pos Time Category Pos Category name
10k 298 01:14:10 6 VF60-64 Dawn Jackson
10k Cani 9 00:48:15 1 VM40-44 Dean Harding
Half mara 57 02:11:34 1 VF60-64 Karen Clark

First man: Oliver Matharu (Holme Pierrepont RC) in 38:05.
First lady: Myanie Westwood (Mansfield Harriers ) in 46:01.

10k Canicross
First man: Jack Chapman (Lincoln & District Runners) in 38:45.
First lady: Kat Davey (Wirksworth RC) in 42:58.

Half Marathon
First man: Jamie Parkin (no club listed) in 1:28:27.
First lady: Sylwia Dmuchowska (no club listed) in 1:40:01.

The link to the results here.

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