Easy Strider is the Striders newsletter, originally created by Stephen Atkinson. Issues come out sporadically, but usually every couple of months or so.
The aim is to have a brief round up of club news, results and upcoming races – plus an irreverent take on training and running in general.
Disclaimer: The newsletter is written very much tongue in cheek and doesn’t take itself too seriously.
You can read all the back issues by using the links below:
- October 2013, (PDF, 378 KB)
- November 2013 (PDF, 513 KB)
- January 2014 (PDF, 783 KB)
- April 2014 (PDF, 454 KB)
- June 2014 (PDF, 595 KB)
- July 2014 (PDF, 729 KB)
If you have any articles, stats, stories or anything you think worthy of a place in Easy Strider, please contact us through general enquires via the Contact Form.