SHUCAS Guidelines to Athletes, Coaches, Athletic Clubs, Parents and Spectators

We welcome back athletes, coaches, officials, spectators and parents back to Sheffield Hallam University City Athletics Stadium. We thank you for your patience with reopening the site and want to assure every member of the Athletics Community that your health and safety is our absolute priority. What we are offering and how we are operating is currently different than before lockdown. We have carefully considered and planned how we can reopen for you. We ask for you to work with us to ensure that other users, staff and your own families remain safe whilst you are on site. Some of our services are currently not available and we hope to reintroduce them back in the very near future. We ask for your full cooperation whilst on site. Please be assured SHU staff are here to help and guide you whilst you are on site so if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. ALL SHUCAS Staff will be briefed on current Government Guidance and England Athletics Practice to ensure safe training for all. Your full cooperation is required. Thank you.

  1. Athletes and Coaches
  • Must come ready for activity as there are presently no changing room facilities.
  • Must comply to Govt Test and Trace Policy and scan SHUCAS QR NHS Code when entering the site.
  • All athletes and coaches must access the site from the Selbourne Street Access Gates (Located by the Green Spot on map below) Athletes and coaches are encouraged only to travel with persons within same household or support bubble. If using public transport, please always follow Govt guidelines and wear a face mask.
  • Implementation of a one-way system for athletes when entering and exiting the track.
  • Athletes and coaching staff are requested to hand sanitize when entering the track. It is advised that you bring your personal sanitizer although there will be a unit at the entry gate if required.
  • At present there are toilets available in the upper part of the Pavilion. These can be accessed via the Pavilion Stand stairway. A facemask must be worn when inside of the building. This is not an internal seating area so athletes and spectators must exit the building as soon as possible.
  • Designated Club Coaches to wear visible accreditation. This is to assist us to keep all non-coaching staff off the track.
  • All Athletes and Coaches must follow guidelines of partner club and England Athletics (EA). Any athlete or coach who does not meet guidelines of partner club or EA may be asked to leave or be suspended from activity. Examples of this may include attending a training session when feeling unwell, using the site out of hours, spitting or other practices which are unsafe for the transmission of infection. Please access Stage 3 England Athletic guidance via following Link
  • There will be no cash payments. Please ensure that you have your relevant membership card or debit card at hand when entering the site to avoid delays at reception.


There is only a small site Car Park. Alternative Street Parking can be accessed via Selbourne Street and Cave Street. (Please see travel guidelines)

Entry to site

Athletes and coaches entering the track should enter through gates located on Selbourne St (Green Circle) All athletes and coaches must then report directly to the Green cabin located trackside.

Site Office

Our Green container cabin is still trackside and used as our site office. Please direct any operational questions or concerns to a member of the SHU Team who will do their best to rectify any concerns or answer any of your queries.

  1. Athletic Clubs / Training Squads

At present the recommended operations will be as follows:

A COVID SECURE POLICY CLUB (as defined by EA by link) can operate 12 athletes per session (pending due to changing Govt / NGB


If the club does not have such practices in place group sessions can only accommodate 6 athletes.

A Club may be requested to pay a booking fee to secure a training facility. This is non-refundable and will avoid club/athlete no shows and avoiding a facility being unused.

  • Each track club must identify a designated Covid officer who will support venue and athletes with Covid Safe Practice as designated by EA.
  • *Individual athletes who are training independently must complete the NHS Test and Trace QR Scan at the Reception on entry.
  • Athletes must follow Post Covid back to activity guidelines established by Individual Club, National Governing Body Guidelines and Government restrictions. These are frequently amended so will be consistently discussed and updated with designated Covid Officer.
  • Any active cases of Covid within their membership must be reported to :


  1. Spectators and Parents

Are allowed access to the stand but must maintain recommended social distancing guidelines.

  • Must comply to Govt Test and Trace Policy and scan SHUCAS QR NHS Code when entering the site.
  • Must maintain recommended social distancing of 2 metres where and when required.
  • Should follow current Government guidelines.
  • Are requested to wear face coverings if using internal toilets.
  • Must not congregate into groups larger than six persons.
  • Anyone who is supervising a young person within an activity is limited to one spectator/supervising adult.
  • Encouraged to leave visitors or extra persons at home where possible.
  • Are not allowed on track side and must always stay behind spectator boundaries.
  • Must take personal belongings (water bottles, food wrappers) home with you or dispose of in local rubbish bins.