Here are the 2018 LDS standings up to the end of April. As the season gets busier and more races get added to the competition the deeper grows my respect for all the hard work that everyone puts in. Between us 351 runners have clocked up an enormous competitive 9,878 miles.
There’s no change at the top of the womens’ competition with Amy Duck still ahead of Sian Evans and Caroline Brock. However, Amy’s lead has been more than halved during a busy April, making things a bit closer coming into May.
In the mens’ competition Vincent Baker and Nick Burns hold on to their 1st and 2nd places respectively, but Matt Gibson has moved into the final podium position, posting two marathons and a 33 mile ultra in April alone. Way to go Matt.
As always all entries into LDS come from Striders’ own race results pages, and if it ain’t on there, it ain’t on here. If you see any errors or omissions, please let me know, and I’ll correct the record. (Please especially double check your entries if you sometimes enter races with a contraction of your full name – Anthony/Tony, Robert/Bob – I try to be alert, but these are easily missed)