The Gilberdyke 10 Mile

Race Date: Sunday 28th August 2022

Race Report by Sarah Percival

As we were going to the coast for Bank Holiday, I thought I’d look at the East Yorkshire race calendar to see if anything took my fancy. I’d done the Gilberdyke 10 miler last year as part of my marathon build up and it was a extremely well organised event by LKR Events which I really enjoyed, so seeing The Gilberdyke 10 miler again I thought I’d give it a go.

Perhaps, I should have looked back and recalled the event more closely before entering but I didn’t! Nothing wrong with the organisation, again excellent. A T-shirt and flapjack at the end, and only 25 minutes drive from where I was staying, so what’s not to like?

Basically, go to the start line, run; turn left and run again; turn left and run again; turn left run again and 10 miles later you’re at the finish! And that was it. No gentle undulating hills, no views, no ups, no downs, just flat East Yorkshire roads. It was nice and I loved the road, but I set off far too quick and struggled coping with the heat and pounding flat hard ground.

Now for the good news, I got round and finished.

Sarah gets photo-bombed at Gilberdyke

417 runners took part in the Gilberdyke 10 Mile.
First Place was Ryan Page of Lincoln Wellington AC in 00:53:56.
First female was Amy Hammersley of City of Hull AC in 01:01:45.
I came in at 01:26:20 (6 mins slower than 2022).

P Name Cat Cat P Time
119 Rob Hobson SNR 53 01:12:59
222 Sarah Percival FV40 8 01:26:20

Full results can be found on the Sports Timing Solutions website.

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