Snake Lane 10

Race Date :  Sunday 27th February 2023

Report by Melanie English

The Snake Lane race took place on the 26th of February on a cold but sunny morning. 1,540 runners turned up ready to take on the 10 mile road race. The race takes place in the town of Pocklington which is 14 miles east of York.
This is an extremely popular race…it’s sells out in a couple of hours. I’d missed the entry day for this years race but joined the Facebook page and after Christmas there were people wanting to transfer places…you still need to be quick though as any that came up where snapped up. I managed to bag one and by now the enthusiasm from people about this race was leading me to expect big things from this race.

So as I’m a former local ( I went to school in the town and worked for many years at the towns infant school) though I never knew about this race, probably because I wouldn’t have dreamed of running anywhere when I lived there, I was able to have a lie in and a  short drive to the race from my parents house in a nearby village.
So off I set with high expectations. Parking was easy lots of marshals directing you to the car parks dotted around the town. The meeting point is the rugby club where there were  toilets inside and portaloos outside.
At 8.40 we were told to walk on mass to the start that’s about a 5/10 mins walk. Luckily I didn’t have to get cold and take my hoodie off as I had my Dad with me that walked to the start with me and took my hoodie. Result!
So I started my normal pre-race warm up prep…posed for photos and took a few selfies! Set my watch and I was ready!!
Also had a photo with the pocklington panda from pocklington running club. Apparently his identity is a closely guarded secret!!
The race starts out and heads out of the town and into the countryside. Where you get some nice views. You skirt the foot of the
wolds  and at about 5 miles you come into the pretty village of Bishop Wilton. You then run down a narrow lane called Eastfield lane where the race takes it name from as it’s twists and turns snake like. Past the second water station at mile 7 then a couple of short inclines nothing of note for us
Sheffield folk but people around me did moan and start walking!! I ploughed on and then it’s  straight back into Pocklington to a good crowd of enthusiastic spectators into the market place to the finish line. Finished received a medal and a head torch.

The winner was Jordan Skelly (MSen) of Lincoln Wellington Athletics club in 49:48
First Lady was Josie Rawes (FSen)  of York Knavesmire Harries in 1:00:41
The Pocklington Panda was first animal in a time of 1:10:56
I came in at 1:35:52 and most importantly was the first strider home! (Don’t need to mention I was the only strider)
This is such a good race I’m definitely going back for more next year… it’s only about 1 hour and 20 mins from sheffield so not too far away. Be nice to see more striders next year but if not I’ll still be happy and hang onto my first strider position!!!
My expectations for the race were high and I’m pleased to say it certainly didn’t disappoint.

Pos Cat Cat Pos Time
1099 Melanie English W45 82 01:35:52
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